Around 100 of Books On Alchemy – Very Old And Rare Books

Alchemy: An Overview

Definition and Origin
Alchemy (from Arabic: al-kīmiyā; from Ancient Greek: khumeia) is an ancient branch of natural philosophy, blending philosophical and protoscientific traditions. It was historically practiced in China, India, the Muslim world, and Europe.
In its Western form, alchemy first appeared in pseudepigraphical texts written in Greco-Roman Egypt during the first few centuries AD.

Objectives and Philosophical Foundations

Key Goals of Alchemy:

  • Chrysopoeia: Transmutation of “base metals” (e.g., lead) into “noble metals” (e.g., gold).
  • Creation of an elixir of immortality.
  • Development of panaceas to cure all diseases.

The Magnum Opus:
Alchemy aimed to perfect the human body and soul through the magnum opus (“Great Work”). The creation of the Philosopher’s Stone is a central concept, often linked to these projects.

Evolution and Practices

Islamic and European Contributions:

  • Development of laboratory techniques, theories, and terms (some still in use today).
  • Retention of the Ancient Greek idea of the four elements (earth, water, air, fire).
  • Use of cryptic symbolism and cyphers to guard their work.

Medieval and Early Modern Periods:

  • Translation of medieval Islamic scientific works and rediscovery of Aristotelian philosophy in the 12th century.
  • Flourishing Latin alchemy during the late medieval period.
  • Alchemy’s significant influence on early modern science, particularly chemistry and medicine.

Modern Interpretations

Exoteric and Esoteric Aspects:

  • Practical applications explored by historians of the physical sciences (early chemistry, medicine, and philosophical contexts).
  • Spiritual aspects studied by historians of esotericism, psychologists, philosophers, and spiritualists.

Cultural Impact: Alchemy continues to inspire literature and the arts, bridging science and mysticism.

Rare Alchemy Library Collection

A meticulously curated collection of vintage alchemy books offers deep insights into:

  • Alchemy, Astrology, Divination, Earth Mysteries, Ancient Egypt, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Paranormal, Occult Magic, Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism, and much more.


  • Thousands of diagrams, illustrations, and detailed information.
  • A treasure trove for enthusiasts of mystical and ancient knowledge.
  1. 18th Century Chemical Terms.pdf
  2. A Chemical Treatise of Arnoldus de Nova Villa.pdf
  3. A Discourse of Fire and Salt Discovering Many Secret Mysteries.pdf
  4. A Lexicon of Alchemy – M. Rulandus.pdf
  5. A New Light of Alchymy.pdf
  6. A Select Bibliography of Chemistry, 1492–1892 – H. C. Bolton (1893).pdf
  7. A Suggestive Inquiry into the Hermetic Mystery – M. A. Atwood (1850).pdf
  8. A Treatise on the Great Art – A. J. Pernety.pdf
  9. A Work of Saturn – J. I. Hollandus.pdf
  10. A Work of Saturn 1670 – J. I. Hollandus.pdf
  11. Alchemiae Gebri Arabis Philosophi Solertissimi Libri, cum Reliquis, ut Versa Pagella Indicabit – R. Bacon.pdf
  12. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern – H. S. Redgrove (1911).pdf
  13. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern [2nd Edition] – H. S. Redgrove (1922).pdf
  14. Alchemy & the Beginnings of Chemistry – M. Pattison Muir.pdf
  15. Alchemy: Its Science & Romance – J. E. Mercer.pdf
  16. Alchemy Key.pdf
  17. Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored – A. Cockren.pdf
  18. Alchemy: The Turba Philosophorum – A. E. Waite (1896).pdf
  19. Alchimia Nova, das ist. Die güldene Kunst selbst, oder, Aller Künsten Mutter – sampt dero heimlichen Secretis – S. Trismosin (1708) [German].pdf
  20. An Alchemical Mass.pdf
  21. An Easier Introduction to the Philosopher’s Magical Gold, to which is added, Zoroaster’s Cave, otherwise called the Philosophers’ Stone.pdf
  22. An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King.pdf
  23. Ancient Curses, Charms, and Usages of Ireland, Contributions to Irish Lore – L. Wilde (1890).pdf
  24. Anima Magica Abscondita, or, A Discourse of the Universal Spirit of Nature – with his Strange, Abstruse, and Wonderful Operations.pdf
  25. Antimony – C. Y. Wang (1919).pdf
  26. Aphorisms Urbigerani, Certain Rules Clearly Demonstrate the 3 Infallible Ways of Preparing the Grand Elixir.pdf
  27. Apotelesmata Philosophica Mercurii Triumphantis – M. Copus (1601) [Latin].pdf
  28. Appendix Necessaria Syntagmatis Arcanorum Chymicorum Andreae Libavii (1615) [Latin].pdf
  29. Appologia Alchymiae – R. W. Councell.pdf
  30. Arcana Arcanissima, hoc est, Hieroglyphica Aegyptio-Graeca – M. Maier (1614) [Latin].pdf
  31. Atalanta Fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata Nova de Secretis Naturae Chymica – M. Maier (1618) [German].pdf
  32. Aula Lucis – T. Vaughan.pdf
  33. Aula Lucis, or, The House of Light, a Discourse Written in the Year 1651 – T. Vaughan (1652).pdf
  34. Aurum Aurae, vi Magnetismi Universalis Attractum – C. A. Balduin (1674).pdf
  35. Avreum Vellus, oder, Guldin Schatz und Kunst-Kammer – S. Trismosin (1708) [German].pdf
  36. Azoth et Ignis, das ist. Das wahre Elementarische Wasser und Feuer, oder, Mercurius Philosophorum – H. F. Manget (1702) [German].pdf
  37. Basil Valentine His Triumphant Chariot of Antimony – B. Valentine (1678).pdf
  38. Bibliographical Notes on Histories of Inventions and Books of Secrets Vol 1 – J. Ferguson (1895).pdf
  39. Bibliographical Notes on Histories of Inventions and Books of Secrets Vol 2 – J. Ferguson (1910).pdf
  40. Bibliotheca Chemica – A Catalog of the Alchemical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Books in the Collection of the Late James Young of Kelly and Durris Vol 1 – J. Ferguson (1906).pdf
  41. Bibliotheca Chemica – A Catalog of the Alchemical, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Books in the Collection of the Late James Young of Kelly and Durris Vol 2 – J. Ferguson (1906).pdf
  42. Bygone Beliefs – A Series of Excursions in the Byways of Thought – H. S. Redgrove (1920).pdf
  43. Cabala Mineralis.pdf
  44. Cabala, Spiegel der Kunst und Natur in Alchymia – R. Custos (1663) [German].pdf
  45. Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum Profundissimam Rerum Secretissimarum Contemplationem Totiusque Philosophiae Cognitionem Complectens – J. D. Mylius (1618) [Latin].pdf
  46. Catalogue of Works on Alchemy and Chemistry Exhibited at the Grolier Club, New York, Jan. 16th to Jan. 25th, 1891.pdf
  47. Centuria Chymica, hoc est Tractatus Aureus de Lapide Philosophorum Carmine Conscriptus – (1652) [German].pdf
  48. Chemisch Kabinet (Atalanta Fugiens) – M. Maier (1708) [German].pdf
  49. Chymische Hochzeit – C. Rosencreutz (1616) [German].pdf
  50. Clavis Sapientiae, das ist. Ein edles und köstliches Büchlein vom Stein der Weisen welcher genannt wird, der güldene Schatz – (1600) [German].pdf
  51. Codicillus seu Vade Mecum Raymundi Lulli Philosophi Doctissimi – in quo fontes alchimicae artis ac philosophiae demonstrantur – (1600) [Latin].pdf
  52. Coelum Philosophorum – Paracelsus.pdf
  53. Coelum Philosophorum, seu, De Secretis Naturae Liber – P. Ulstadius (1528) [Latin].pdf

And Many Many More.

This collection offers a wealth of knowledge for those interested in the history and practice of alchemy.

Now the best part is that, you can buy them and get them all as the Digital Era makes it possible.


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